
Objective type Exams for prelims examination. In the prelims the questions will be asked from two papers.
- 2 hours duration
- 1 mark for each correct Answer
- Paper I- No. Of questions—100, Time Duration- 2 hrs., Max. Marks- 200
- Paper II- No. Of questions- 100, Time Duration- 2hrs., Max. Marks- 200
Note- paper II will be a qualifying paper with minimum qualifying marks of 33%
- Prelims are meant to serve as a screening test.
- There is no deduction for any unanswered questions.
- Age Limit:-
- General category: - The candidate must not be above 40 years.
- SC, ST, ALC/IB, RBA, PSP, EWS: The candidate must not above 43 years.
- In-service candidates (Govt.): The candidate must not be above 40 years.
Negative Marking:- For every wrong answer, there will be 0.25 marks deduction.
- Constitution Of India
- J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019 and the removal of difficulties order/ adaptation orders issued thereunder.
- Recent developments in the law
- India Penal Code 1860
- Code of Criminal Procedure 1973
- Indian Evidence Act, 1872
- Code Of Civil Procedure
- Indian Evidence Act 1872
- Limitation Act, 1963
- Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967
- NDPS Act, 1985
- Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
- Information Technology Act, 2000
- Transfer Of Property Act
- Protection Of Children from sexual offences Act, 2012
- General Knowledge
- Current Affairs
- Legal aptitude/Reasoning
- Decision Making and Problem solving
- Comprehension
- Interpersonal skills including communication skills
- Logical reasoning and analytical ability
- Mental ability
- Basic Numeracy
- Qualifying Paper : - ENGLISH -- [ 300 marks]
- Comprehension
- Short essay
- Usage and Vocabulary
- PAPER 1: - Legal Drafting and Pleading -- [250 MARKS ]
- Essay on recent developments in criminal law.
- Preparation of Appeal
- Revision proposal on given facts
- Drafting of pleading
- Main principles of pleading
- PAPER 2: Constitutional Law -- [ 250 marks]
- Fundamental rights, Public Interest Litigation, legal aid, legal Services Authority.
- Constitution and constitutionalism – The distinctive feature of the Constitution.
- Governor and his powers.
- Relationship between Fundamental rights, directive principles and fundamental duties.
- Centre, States and local bodies – Eminent Domain –State Property, Common Property, Community Property – Legislative Powers, Privileges and immunities
- Service Under the Union and the States.
- Election commission- power and the functions
- Union Public Service Commission and State Emergency provision
- Constitution and its Amendments
- Principles of natural justice – Emerging trends and Judicial approach
- PAPER 3: CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE,1973 -- [ 250 marks- ]
- Disposal of property
- Execution, Suspension, remission and commutation of sentences
- Judgement, appeal, revision and reference.
- General provisions as to inquiries and trial
- Summary Trial
- Provision as to offences affecting the administration of justice
- Provision as to offences affecting the administration of justice
- Provision as to the accused person of unsound mind
- Limitation of taking cognizance of certain offences
- Bail and Bonds
- Transfer of criminal cases
- Plea bargaining
- Evidence in enquiries and trials
- Trials of warrants and summons cases by magistrate.
- The trial before a court session
- Commencement of proceedings before magistrate
- Jurisdiction of criminal courts in inquiries and trials
- Information to the police and their powers to investigate
- Arrest of person
- Power of Courts
- Constitution of criminal courts and offices
- Important definitions.
- PAPER 4: INDIAN PENAL CODE - [250 marks]
- Defamation, Criminal intimidation and annoyance
- Offences relating to documents
- Offences by or relating to the public services
- Offences against public tranquillity
- Joint and constructive liability
- General exceptions and right to private defence
- Preparation and criminal attempts
- Kinds of punishment and emerging trends as to abolition of capital punishment
- General Principles of criminal liability
- PAPER 5: INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT, 1872 -- [ 250 marks]
- Burden of proof
- Facts that need not be proved
- Of witness and examination of witnesses
- PAPER 6: SPECIAL LAW 1 -- [250 marks]
- J&K Excise Act, Svt. 1958
- Indian arms Act, 1959
- Unlawful activities
- Narcotic drugs Act
- Psychotropic substance Act, 1985
- PAPER 7: SPECIAL LAW II -- [250 marks]
- J&K police Act, 1983
- Motor vehicle Act, 1988
- The public gambling Act, 1867
- Black marketing prevent and maintenance of supplies of essential commodities Act, 1988
- Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
- IT Act 2000
INTERVIEW – {200 marks}
Personality Test, Academic knowledge, Communication skills etc.
- Candidates should have Bachelor of Laws of University established by Law of India.