
Chhatisgarh Judicial Services Syllabus
- 1 Objective type Exam for prelims
- 2 hours duration
- 1 mark for each correct Answer
- 100 marks in total
- Negative Marking:- No
- There is no deduction for any unanswered question.
- 21- 35 yrs. on the date mentioned in the official advertisement. [For SC/ST – refer the Official advertisement]
- Language of the question paper of online Preliminary Examination and Main written Examination will be English and Hindi.
- The final selection will be on the basis of total marks obtained in the written (Main) Examination and Viva- Voce. The decision of the CGPSC with regard to calling the candidates for Viva-Voce will be final.
Indian Penal Code
2. Code of Civil Procedure
3. Criminal Procedure code
4. Indian Evidence Act
5. Constitution of India
6. Transfer of property Act
7. Indian Contract Act
8. Limitation Act
9. The Chhattisgarh Rent Control act. 2011
10. Court fees Act
11. Specific Relief Act
12. Indian Registration Act
13. Chhattisgarh Land Revenue Act
14. The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
15. The Chhattisgarh Excise Act, 1915
- The main exam consists of the descriptive paper.
- Duration: 3hrs, Marks 100
- The main exam includes:
1. Framing of issues and writing of judgement in civil cases. [40 marks]
2. Framing of charges and writing of the Judgement in Criminal Cases. – [40 marks]
3. Translation
a). English to Hindi (10 marks)
b). Hindi to English (10 marks)
Personality Test, Academic knowledge, Communication skills etc.
Relatively more meritorious candidates from among those who appeared in the Main Examination in
the ratio of 1:3 having regard to the number of vacancies shall be called for the viva-voce to be
Viva Qualifying marks:
1. Unreserved Category: 33% marks
2. SC/ST/OBC : 25 % marks