
Services preliminary examination shall be an objective type examination consisting of the following three papers of
100 Marks each:-
1. Civil Law-I
2. Civil Law-II
3. Criminal Law
- 3 Objective type Exams for HP Judicial Services prelims, 100 Marks Each.
- 1 hours duration for Each Paper
- 300 marks in total (All 3 Pre. Examination)
The syllabus for the preliminary examination shall be the same as provided for Paper-I to III for the Main examination.
Paper – 1: (Civil Law -1) ———————– (100 Marks – 1 Hr.)
1. Code of Civil Procedure.
2. Indian Evidence Act.
3. Indian Stamp Act.
4. Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976.
5. Specific Relief Act.
Paper – 1: (Civil Law -1) ———————– (100 Marks – 1 Hr.)
1. Indian Contract Act.
2. Hindu Law
3. Indian Limitation Act.
4. Transfer of Property Act.
5. H.P urban Rent Control Act.
PART 3: (Criminal Law) ———————– (100 Marks – 1 Hr.)
1. Indian Penal Code
2. Criminal procedure Code.
3. Chapter- XVII ( Section 138 to 143) of the Negotiable Instruments Act.
4. H.P Excise Act 2011 as applicable to the state of the State of H.P
5. Wild Life Protection Act and Indian Forest Act.
PAPER 1:- ( Civil law-1) ———————– (200 Marks – 3 Hrs.)
1. Code Of Civil Procedure
2. Indian Evidence Act.
3. Indian Stamp Act
4. Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976
5. Specific Relief Act.
PAPER 2 : ( Civil Law-2) ———————– (200 Marks – 3 Hrs.)
1. Indian Contract Act.
2. Hindu Law
3. Indian Limitation Act
4. Transfer of property Act.
5. H.P Urban Rent Control Act.
PAPER 3: ( Criminal law ) ——————— (200 Marks – 3 Hrs.)
1. Indian Penal Code
2. Criminal procedure Code
3. Chapter-XVII ( 138 to 143) of the Negotiable instrument Act.
4. H.P Excise Act- 2011 as applicable to the State of H.P
5. Wild Life Protection Act and Indian Forest Act.
PAPER 4: ( English Paper) ———————– (150 Marks – 3 Hrs.)
1. Essay ( A choice from three essays on general subjects ) – 100 Marks
2. Translation of Hindi passage into English ——————– 50 Marks
PAPER 5: ( language – Hindi – in Devnagri Script) —- (100 Marks – 3 Hrs.)
1. Translation of English passage into hindi. —– 30 Marks
2. Essay in Hindi on any topic out of three. ——- 50 Marks
3. Composition ( idioms and corrections etc.) —– 20 Marks
(The standard for the language paper shall be that of Matriculation examination.)
NOTE: (i) No candidate shall be credited with any marks in any paper unless he obtains at least 40 percent
marks in that paper, except Hindi language paper (paper-V) in which candidate should obtain at least 33 percent
(ii) No candidate shall be considered to have qualified the written test unless he obtains 45 percent marks in
aggregate in all papers and at least 33 percent marks in language paper i.e. Hindi in Devanagri script.
The interview will carry 150 Marks
- Those who will qualify for the H.P Judicial Main written examination are eligible for the personality
test. - The marks obtained in the personality test will be added to the marks obtained in the mains
exam for the purpose of selection.
(i) Candidates, who qualify the Main written examination, will be required to appear at such place, as may be fixed by the Commission, for a test. The maximum marks for the Personality Test shall be 150. The marks obtained in the Personality Test will be added to the marks obtained in the Main written examination for purpose of selection of the candidates.
(ii) The summoning of the candidates for Personality test conveys no assurance whatsoever that they will be selected or recommended. Appointment orders to the selected candidates will be issued by the Government.
(iii) A candidate shall also be required to obtain at least 45% of the marks allocated for the interview, failing which he will be deemed to have not qualified the competitive examination.