
- 1 Objective type Exam for prelims
- Duration: 2 hrs.
- 1 mark for each correct Answer
- No. of questions: 100
- 100 marks
- For every wrong answer 25% marks shall be deducted i.e. 0.25%.
- Age Limit: - Less than or equal to 35 yrs. on the date mentioned in the official advertisement. [For SC/ST – 3 years Relaxation in the upper age limit]
Note: Blind Candidates are not eligible to apply for the said post.
1. The Civil Procedure Code.
2. The Indian Evidence Act.
3. The Specific Relief Act.
4. The Transfer Of Property Act.
5. The Law of Contract, Sales of Goods and Partnership Act.
6. The Constitution Of India.
7. The Indian Penal Code.
8. The Limitation Act.
9. The Maharashtra Rent Control Act.
10. The Code Of Criminal Procedure.
PAPER 1:- [100 marks.]
1. The sales of Goods Act.
2. The Transfer of Property Act.
3. The Civil Procedure Code.
4. The Partnership Act.
5. The Special relief Act.
6. The Law Of Contract.
PAPER 2:- [100 marks]
1. The Indian Penal Code.
2. The Code Of Criminal Procedure.
3. Evidence Act.
4. The Protection Of Civil Rights Act, 1955
5. The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
6. Essay (800 words) on recent development in law.
1. The Indian Penal Code.
2. The Code Of Criminal Procedure.
3. Evidence Act.
4. The Protection Of Civil Rights Act, 1955
5. The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
6. Essay (800 words) on recent development in law.
• Note: The Choice Of Language for attempting the paper is- English Or Marathi.
• Duration: 3 Hours.
General Category: 50 % in each paper.
45% in each paper.
1. If the candidate has been compulsorily retired, removed or dismissed from the judicial service or
from the service of the Govt. or statutory or local authority or has not completed the probationary
period of any post in the judicial service or the service of the Govt. or statutory or local authority.
2. If the candidate has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude or has been
permanently disqualified or disqualified from appearing in any examination conducted by a High
Court or the Union public Service Commission.
3. The candidate has directly or indirectly has influenced the recruitment authority in any way for
4. If the candidate is a man and has more than one surviving wife and if the candidate is a woman,
the woman is married to a man with a surviving man.
5. There will be more than two children.
INTERVIEW – {marks}
Qualifying Marks: Min. 40% Marks