
- Age Limit: -
- General Category : Up to 32 years.
- OBC : Upper age limit is relaxed by 3 years
- PH : upper age limit is relaxed by 10 years.
- PH& OBC : Upper age limit is relaxed by 13 years.
- Govt. Employees, Departmental employees up to 5 years in accordance with the instructions issued by the central Govt. From time to time.
- Paper 1: (Civil Law)                                                                                                             MM-200
- Indian Contract Act
- Indian Sales of goods Act
- Indian partnership Act
- Specific relief Act
- Hindu Law, Muslim Law
- DD Act, 1957
- Paper 2: (Civil Law)                                                                                                             MM-200
- Civil Procedure Code
- Law of Evidence
- Law of limitation
- Law of Registration
- Paper 3: (Criminal Law)                                                                                                             MM-200
- The Indian Penal Code
- Criminal Procedure Code
- The Indian Evidence Act
- Paper4:
- Essay & General Knowledge MM-100
- This paper will be to test the candidate’s knowledge of current affairs and also his power of expression in English. Credit will be given both for substance and expression. Conversely deduction will be made for the bad expression, fault of grammar and misuse of words etc.
- Language MM- 100
- There will be one paper in two parts. The 1st part will contain a passage in English which will require to be translated into Hindi (Devnagari Script). In the 2nd part, a passage in Hindi (Devnagari script) shall be required to be translated into English. Each Part will carry 50 marks.
- Qualification:
- Bachelor's degree in Law of a recognized University or equivalent.
- Desirable: working Knowledge of Hindi.