
J and K judicial services preliminary & mains examination
- 2 Objective type Exams for Jammu & Kashmir Judicial Services prelims, 225 Marks Each.
- 2 hours duration for Each Paper
- 1 marks for each correct Answer……????????
- 450 marks in total (Both Pre. Examination)
There is no deduction for any unanswered question.
The objective type questions with multiple-choice answers for the Preliminary exam syllabus shall be from the syllabus for the Main Examination along with the below mentioned Topics.
There will be two Jammu and Kashmir Judicial Services preliminary exams which are of objective type of 225 Marks Each. This will act as a screening test. The question will be based on the following subjects:
Paper-A ————————(225 Marks – 2 Hrs.)
1. General Knowledge
2. Indian Constitution Law and Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir State…?????????
3. Criminal Procedure Code.
4. Indian Evidence Act.
5. Ranbir Penal Code…………………???????????????????????
6. Indian Limitation Act.
Paper-B ————————(225 Marks – 2 Hrs.)
1. Financial Code Volume 1&2
2. Kashmir Service Regulation Chapters III to XIII and XXII and XXIII.
3. Rules and orders for the guidance of Subordinate Courts {Civil and Criminal} and circular orders
issued by the High Court.
4. Civil Procedure Code.
5. Registration Act.
6. Transfer of Property Act.
7. Right of Prior Purchase Act.
8. Houses and Shops Rent Control Act.
9. Jammu and Kashmir Laws
The Jammu and Kashmir Judicial Services mains examination consists of Compulsory Paper and Optional Paper.
Each paper shall carry 100 marks each and time for each paper is 3 hours.
● English Essay.
● Translation from English into Urdu or Hindi and vice versa.
● Precis Writing
● General Knowledge
● Indian Constitution Law and Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir State.
● Criminal Procedure Code.
● Evidence Act.
● Ranbir Penal Code……….????????????????????????
● Financial Code Volume 1&2.
● Kashmir Service Regulation Chapters III to XIII and XXII and XXIII.
● Rules and orders for the guidance of Subordinate Courts (Civil and Criminal) and circular orders
issued by the High Court.
● Civil Procedure Code.
● Limitation Act.
● Jammu and Kashmir Registration Act.
● Transfer of Property Act.
● Right of Prior Purchase Act.
● House and Shops Rent Control Act.
● Hindu Law.
● Mohammedan Law.
● Customary Law of the State.
● Insurance Law.
● Principles of Equity including the Law of Trusts and Specific Relief.
● Jammu and Kashmir Contract Act.
● Law of Torts.
● Suits Valuation Act.
● Court Fee Act.
● Stamp Act.
● Agriculture Relief Act.
● Excise Act and Rules.
● The interview will carry 150 Marks
The object of viva-voce examination is to assess the candidate's intelligence, general knowledge, personality, aptitude and suitability After the examination the candidates will be arranged by the Commission in the order of merit as disclosed by the aggregate marks including those obtained in viva-voce finally awarded to each candidate and in that order so many candidates as are found by the Commission in their discretion to be qualified by the Examination shall be recommended for appointment upto the number of unreserved vacancies decided to be filled on the result of examination: Provided that any candidate, belonging to a class regarding which a provision for reservation of appointment or posts has been made, who though not qualified by the standard prescribed by the Commission is best in order of merit according to the result of the examination from that class shall be recommended for appointment to vacancies reserved for members of such class in that service. Physical & Mental Fitness Test: No person shall be appointed as a member of service unless he/she be in a good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his duties as Member of the Service. Before a candidate who has passed the examination is finally approved for appointment to the service, he shall be required to undergo an examination by Medical Board arranged for by the Commission for which he will have to pay the prescribed fee. Note: Instructions to appear before Medical Board shall not be understood to mean that a candidate if found fit, will necessarily be given an appointment as the number of candidates who will be summoned for medical examination will generally be in excess of the total number of available vacancies.