
l. First Stage of Examination:- Screening Test
- 100 Objective type Questions for examination.
- Negative Marking: One-fourth mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
- Time duration of the exam: 02 hours
- The question paper will be in English language.
A) Civil Law
i) Code of Civil Procedure
ii) Indian Evidence Act
iii) Indian Contract Act
iv) Indian Partnership Act
v) Sole of Goods Act
vi) Hindu Low
vii) Mohammaden Low and Customary Low.
B) Criminal Law
i) Indian Penal code
ii) Criminal Procedure Code
iii) Indian Evidence Act
The remaining questions will be on the topics of
• General Awareness,
• General Mental Ability,
• Comprehension,
• Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability,
• Decision-making and problem-solving,
• Basic numeracy, Data interpretation and the questions related to
• History, Geography, Polity, Economy and Culture of Haryana.
➢ Each question will have five options. The fifth option will be meant for a situation where a
candidate intends to leave the question un-attempted.
➢ ln case, a candidate neither attempts a question nor darkens the fifth option/bubble, then Onefourth mark will be deducted for each such question.
➢ A candidate will have to secure a minimum of 25% marks to clear the screening test.
➢ Candidates four times the number of advertised posts, category-wise, will be called for the next
stage of selection process, provided that they have secured the minimum cutoff marks of 25%.
➢ The marks obtained by the candidates in the screening test will not be counted for final selection
because it is meant only for shortlisting of category-wise candidates.
Second Stage of Examination:- Subject Knowledge Test
Time duration of the exam: 03 hours
Maximum Marks: 150 marks.
The question paper will be in English language.
Paper will be subjective type.
A) Civil Law
i) Code of Civil Procedure
ii) Indian Evidence Act
iii) Indian Contract Act
iv) Indian Partnership Act
v) Sole of Goods Act
vi) Hindu Law
vii) Mohammaden Law and Customary Law.
B) Criminal Law
i) Indian Penal code
ii) Criminal Procedure Code
iii) Indian Evidence Act
• No candidate will be called for the interview/viva-voce test unless she/he secures a minimum of
35% marks in the test.
• The numbers of the candidates called for interview will be two times, including bracketed
candidates if any, of the number of category-wise advertised posts provided that they have
secured the minimum cut-off marks of 35%
• The weightage of the second stage test will be 87.5%
• Personality Test, Academic knowledge, Communication skills etc.
• The candidate will be required to appear in the interview test.
• The weightage of the interview wilt be 12.5% The final merit list will be prepared by adding the marks of second stage examination and interview.