

Telangana Judicial Services Preliminary & Mains Examination

  •  The eligible candidates will be shortlisted in the ratio of 1:10 of the available vacancies, for calling for the written examination. 
  • The marks obtained in the screening test shall not be added to the marks obtained in the written examination and they shall not be counted for determining final order of the candidates, as the screening test is conducted for the purpose of shortlisting the Candidates.
As per rule 2(f) of the Telangana State judicial (Service and Cadre) Rules2017, ‘Direct Recruitment’ means the appointment of a person, who is not in the Service of the Government of India or the Government of the State to any category in the service through the process of inviting application directly from all the eligible and qualified persons.
A person to be appointed to the Category of the Civil Judge-
1. Must possess a degree in Law of a University in India established or Incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or an Institution Recognised by the University Grant Commission and enrolled in the Bar Council of Telangana or in the Bar Council Of any other State. and Must have been practising as an Advocate or Pleader in any Court for a period of not less than 3 years and the date of notification for the recruitment to the post. and Must have attained the age: General category (OC) : 25- 35 years. SC/ST/BC                 :  25- 40 years.

2. (a) Must be Law Graduate possessing a degree in Law from a recognised University as mentioned in clause (I) above, who is eligible to be enrolled as an Advocate and who has secured an overall 60% and above marks in acquiring such Law degree In Case of Open Categories and 55% and above marks in respect of other reserved Categories SC/ST/BCs) and has not enrolled as an Advocate.  To fall under this category the candidate must have obtained a Degree of Law within the period of three (3) years prior to the date of the notification.
General Category (OC) : 23 – 26 years SC/ST/BCs                 : 23- 31 years

3. Persons who has enrolled as an Advocate, but do not possess three years practise at the Bar would be eligible to appear in the recruitment for the post of Civil Judge, under the Category of fresh Law Graduates, provided they satisfy the other requisite eligibility Criteria. Candidates must have good Character and are free from any infirmity which renders him/her unfit for such appointments. All the candidates applying under the Direct Recruitment, must be able to read and write the Telugu Language.

A person to be appointed to the category of civil judge under this category:
i. Must hold a degree in Law awarded by any University established by Law in India and
incorporated by under a central Act or a State Act or an Institution recognised by the
University Grants Commission, and which is valid for enrolment as an Advocate as per
the Rules of the BCI and
ii. Has not Completed 48 years. 
iii. A person to be appointed in this category must maintain good character and conduct in
the entire service.

Eligible categories to apply under Recruitment by Transfer:

i. Section officers, Court Officers, Scrutiny officers, Accounts Officers, Court Masters, Personal
Secretaries to the Hon’ble judges, Personal Secretaries to the Registrars, Translators and Deputy
Section Officers, Overseers, Assistant Section Officers, Computer Operators, Assistant Librarian,
U.D stenos, Assistants, Readers and Examiners, Telex Operators, Telephone Operator, Typist
and Copyist of the High Court of State of Telangana Hyderabad. 
ii. Chief Administrative Officers, Senior Superintendent, Superintendents, Stenographers Grade I, II
& III, Senior Assistants, Junior Assistants, and Typist of the Judicial Ministerial Service of the
State of Telangana.
iii. Assistant Public Prosecutors, Senior Asstt. Public Prosecutors, Additional Public Prosecutors
Grade II, of prosecution Services of the State of Telangana.
iv. Section Officer in the Law department of the Secretariat of the State of Telangana.
v. Section Officers in the Legislature Department of the State of Telangana and
vi. Managers of the offices of the Advocate General, Government Pleaders and Public Prosecutors
of the State of Telangana.

All the candidates applying for the post of Civil Judge under Recruitment by Transfer must be able to read and write the Telugu Language.

Relaxation of age for orthopedically handicapped category and defense services: The
upper age limit of the 35 years is relaxable by 10 years in respect of the Physically handicapped Persons.
In case of an applicant who served in the defence services of the Indian Union and who is
otherwise qualified and suitable for the period of service rendered by him/her in the defence
services, shall be excluded in computing the age, or appointment by direct recruitment.


The Syllabus given below is common for both preliminary and mains Papers.

In the selection process (Screening, Written Examination and Viva-Voce), the proficiency and knowledge of applicants will be tested in the following Civil and Criminal laws), apart from English (Translation, Essay writing and Grammar Vocabulary). The following Laws and Acts includes the amendments made from time to time till the date of Notification.


1. The Code Of Civil Procedure, 1908.
2. Indian Contract Act,1872.
3. Hindu marriage Act,1955.
4. Hindu Succession Act,1956.
5. Indian Easements Act,1882.
6. Specific Relief Act,1963.
7. Limitation Act,1963.
8. Transfer of Property Act,1882.
9. Civil Rules Of Practise.
10. Registration Act1908,and Indian Stamp Act,1899.
11. Telangana Land Encroachment Act, 1905
12. Telangana  Buildings ( Lease, Rent and Eviction) Control Act, 1960
13. Indian Evidence Act, 1872.


1. The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973
2. The Indian Penal Code,1860
3. The Indian Evidence Act,1872.
4. Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.
5. Protection Of Women From Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
6. Criminal Rules Of Practice.
7. Telangana Act,1968.
8. Telangana Gaming Act, 1974.
9. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act.


PAPER I : CIVIL LAW                    [100 MARKS –  3HRS.]

1. The Code Of Civil Procedure, 1908.
2. Indian Contract Act,1872.
3. Hindu marriage Act,1955.
4. Hindu Succession Act,1956.
5. Indian Easements Act,1882.
6. Specific Relief Act,1963.
7. Limitation Act,1963.
8. Transfer of Property Act,1882.
9. Civil Rules Of Practise.
10. Registration Act1908, and Indian Stamp Act,1899.
11. Telangana Land Encroachment Act, 1905
12. Telangana Buildings (Lease, Rent and Eviction) Control Act, 1960
13. Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

PAPER 2: CRIMINAL LAW            [100 MARKS –  3HRS.]

1. The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973
2. The Indian Penal Code,1860
3. The Indian Evidence Act,1872.
4. Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.
5. Protection Of Women From Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
6. Criminal Rules Of Practice.
7. Telangana Act,1968.
8. Telangana Gaming Act, 1974.
9. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act.

PAPER 3:  ENGLISH                     [100 MARKS –  3HRS.]

1. ENGLISH TRANSLATION              (30 MARKS)
[English to Hindi Or Telugu Language only]
2. Essay and grammar Vocabulary   (40 marks + 30 marks)
[The essay will be on legal topic]
 A candidate must qualify in the Paper III (English) by Securing 40% qualifying marks.
The marks secured in paper III are not counted to determine the merit.

Qualifying Marks:

General Category:  min. 60% in aggregate (total in all papers)
Backward Class category:  min. 55% in aggregate.
From among the candidates qualified and eligible, the High Court shall call the candidates for viva voce
in the ratio of 1: 3 proportionate to the vacancies notified.
If more than one Candidate secures the same Cut off marks all such candidates shall be called upon for
the viva voce.

INTERVIEW – { 50 marks}

Personality Test, Academic knowledge, Communication skills