


PAPER 1: – [ M.M 50 —- 3hrs]
Constitution of India with special emphasis on;
  • Fundamental Rights,
  • Directive Principles and enforcement of rights through writs,
  • Functioning of High Court and Supreme Court and Attorney General.
PAPER 2: – [ M.M 50 — 3hrs.]
  • Civil Procedure Code and
  • Criminal Procedure Code,
  • Provisions required to be referred generally in the Govt. Office will be given importance.
PAPER 3: – [ M.M 50 — 3hrs.]
  • Evidence Act
  • Limitation Act,
  • Interpretation of Statutes,
  • drafting and conveyancing.
PAPER 3: – [ M.M 25 — 3hrs.]
  • PART-A General English
  • PART-B General Hindi.
  • All papers except language papers unless specifically specified shall be answered either in Hindi or in English, but no candidate shall be permitted to answer anyone paper partly in Hindi and Partly in English unless specifically allowed to do so.
  • The standard of the language paper will be that of senior secondary level.
INTERVIEW – {25 marks}
  • Personality Test, Academic knowledge, Communication skills etc.
  • The commission may in its discretion award grace marks up to 1 in each paper and up to 3 in aggregate. The marks so awarded shall be added to the marks obtained in the written test by each candidate.
  • Must be a Law Graduate from a University established in India or its equivalent with three years course proficiency (professional) degree.
  • Working knowledge of Hindi written in Devanagari Script and knowledge of Rajasthani Culture.
Age Relaxation:
  • That the upper age limit mentioned above shall not apply in the case of Ex- prisoner who had served under the Government on a substantive basis on any post before conviction and was eligible for appointment under the rules.
  • That the upper age limit mentioned above shall be relaxable by a period equal to the term of imprisonment served in the case of Ex-Prisoner, who was not overage before his conviction and was eligible for appointment under the rule.
  • That the upper age limit mentioned above shall be relaxable by a period equal to the service rendered in the National Cadre Corps in the case of Cadet Instructors and if the resultant age does not exceed the prescribed maximum age limit by more than three years, they shall be deemed to be within the prescribed age limit.
  • That the person appointed temporarily to a post in the service shall be deemed to be within age limit, had they been within the age limit when they were initially appointed even though they have crossed the age limit when they appear finally before the commission and shall allowed up to two chances had they been eligible as such at the time of their initial appointment.
  • Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules in the case of persons serving in the connection with the affairs of the State in substantive capacity, the upper age limit shall be 40 years for direct recruitment to the posts filled in by competitive examinations or in case of posts filled in through the commission by interview. This relaxation shall not apply to the urgent temporary appointment.
  • That the released Emergency Commissioned Officers and Short Service Commissioned Officers after release from the army shall be deemed to be within the age limit even though they have crossed the age-limit when they appear before the commission had they been eligible as such at the time of joining the commission in the army.
  • According to the Rajasthan Civil Services (Absorption of Ex-servicemen) Rules, 1988, relaxation in the Upper age limit shall be given fifteen years to Ex-Serviceman, provided that the permissible age after relaxation work out to be more than 50 years then upper age limit of 50 years will be applicable.
  • That the Upper age limit for persons serving in connection with the affairs of the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads and in the State Public Sector Undertakings/ Corporation in Substantive Capacity shall be 40 years.